My Journey of Faith

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Peace of God

"Let the peace of God rule in your heart" Colossians 3:15

This verse was given to me by the Lord on Tuesday morning before I knew my sister had died.  It is amazing how the Lord gives you just what you need-sometimes even before you know you need it. 
I woke up at 5:00 am this morning with everything on my mind and a mixture of different feelings-grief, sadness, memories of happier times, etc.  I remembered the verse above and realized that the first word in this verse is Let.  Let the peace of God rule in your heart.

My heavenly Father is there to provide peace for me but I must be willing to let Him provide it in my heart.  He is the only one who can provide that comfort but I make the choice to receive it. 

And then as I read my devotion for today, it confirmed what He was teaching me:

"It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks saying, "Open for me, my sister, my love." Song of Solomon 5:2

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Life is a Weaving

 "Let the peace of God rule in your heart" Colossians 3:15

My sister died today.  She was 58 years old.  I never thought she would die before my 85 year old Mother who has Alzheimers but she did.  The one thing I know is that she had accepted Jesus as her Savior.  Knowing that gives me comfort.

The verse above was given to me in my quiet time this morning.  God is so good that He provides for us before we know there is a need or the extent of the need.  He and only He can give me peace.

I study from several different devotion books and this morning I was reading from "Come Away My Beloved" by Francis J. Roberts.  I have read this book probably 5 times in the past 10 years and every time, the Lord speaks to me through it. 

Today's scripture was the one above with the following comments:
"My child, your life is a weaving.  Beauty will not come to you by joy alone.  Life may be tortuous at times and the pathway rough. From fabrics of lovely silk and from cords of rougher materials, I fashion what pleases Me.  You may never know why certain experiences come.  It is enough that My hand brings them all.

My grace is not limited by sorrow and difficulty.  Indeed, it shines like a strand of gold mixed in with the black of grief.  My hand moves with infinite love, and I am creating a pattern of intricate beauty.  Never be dismayed.  The end will bring rejoicing."
Sorrows and grief are inevitable in this life.  That is what sin did beginning with Adam and Eve. How we meet these parts of life depend on the our relationship with God.  I know my Redeemer and He gives me comfort and peace in knowing that He has prepared the path before me and nothing can come my way unless it is first sifted through the will of the Father.  I can endure.  I can have comfort.  I can have peace because of His great love.  And at the end of my life when all the threads both gold and black are woven into the story of my life, I will rejoice in His presence.  I will be reunited in joy with those who have gone before me.

When this life is over there there will be rejoicing!  That great and wonderful joy will come from simply being in the presence of the eternal God.  How do we enter into His presence? Only through Jesus Christ.  The Jesus who died on the cross as a sacrifice for sin.

Accepting Jesus as Savior is a personal decision.  It can't be because you go to church or your parents believed in Jesus as Savior.  It has to be your choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and know that your sins are forgiven.  If you have not done so, please confess your sin, accept the sacrifice He made on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and ask Him into your heart as your Savior and Lord.  You never know when the appointed time will come for your own death.